Wednesday, December 4, 2013

We are designing a boat that can be controlled by a DC motor, and a servo. We are also including a red LED to indicate that temperature is below some certain temperature (a temperature that we can set). We are also including a yellow LED to show that the temperature is now above the set temperature. Both action ( red or yellow) are going to be shown on a LCD with the current temperature at that moment.
1. temperature sensor.
2. LCD (16x2)
3. a red LED.
4. a yellow LED
5. potentiometer
6.  2 resistor.
 7. wires.
Basic Analogue Input Control - Temperature Sensor
This example reads an analogue value from analogue in pin 1 and then compares this to a set point.
If the set point is threshold is crossed, the LED on digital pins 8,9 is turned on/off. A deadband is
provided to prevent high speed toggling at the set point transition.
The logic used below with act on Rising temperature.
The analogue input will come from a TMP36 temperature sensor.
-40'C to 125'C = 100mV to 1750mv (linear 10mV per 'C)
int tempIn = 0;       // temperature sensor on Analogue Pin 3
int ledOut = 8;       // LED on Digital Pin 8
int LedOut1 = 9;      // LED on Digital Pin 9
int aiValue = 0;       // input value (0-1023 = 0 to 5v)
float setPoint =30;    // Trigger value in 'C
float deadband = 0.5;   // Differential for reset value in 'C
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(12,11,5,4,3,2);
  NOTE: the deadband action can be disabled by setting the deadband to 0
float degC;            // The temperature in Degrees Centigrade
void setup()
  pinMode(ledOut, OUTPUT);  // Configure the Digital Pin Direction for the LED
  pinMode(LedOut1, OUTPUT);
  lcd.begin(16, 2);
void loop()

  degC = getTemperature(getVolts());      //Get the Volts and the Temperature using Helper functions.
  if (degC > setPoint)
    digitalWrite(ledOut, HIGH);      // Temperature Limit Reached, turn the LED on.
    Serial.println(" | Output: ON.");
     lcd.print("  Yellow  ");
      if (degC > (setPoint - deadband))
      digitalWrite(ledOut, LOW);       // Temperature dropped below SP and deadband, turn the LED off.
      Serial.println(" | Output: OFF.");
      lcd.print("      ");
   if (degC < setPoint)
    digitalWrite(LedOut1, HIGH);      // Temperature Limit Reached, turn the LED on.
    Serial.println(" | Output: ON.");
    lcd.print("  RED   ");
      if (degC < (setPoint - deadband))
      digitalWrite(LedOut1, LOW);       // Temperature dropped below SP and deadband, turn the LED off.
      Serial.println(" | Output: OFF.");
      lcd.print("      ");
Return the voltage for the input value; 0-1023 = 0 to 5V
float getVolts()
  int inputValue;
  inputValue = analogRead(tempIn);
  float volts;
  volts = (((float)inputValue / 1024) * 5);
  Serial.print("Input Value: ") ; Serial.print(inputValue);
  Serial.print(" | Voltage: ") ; Serial.print(volts);
  return volts;
Return the temperature in DegreesC for given voltage
float getTemperature(float volts)
  float temp = (volts - 0.5) / 0.01 ;
  Serial.print(" | Temperature: "); Serial.print(temp); Serial.print(" 'C");
  return temp;
some images:


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