Tuesday, November 12, 2013


On 11-12-3013, the team met again, and we decided to do the followings:

Mechanism: a vehicle  
we also decide to creates Circuits that includes a servo motor, L293D motor driver, Plastic gear motors, Wheels compatible with plastic gear motors, Castor wheel, Sharp GP2D12 analog distance sensor, LED, LCD, push buttons,potentiometer. 

#example code:

   #include <Servo.h> //includes the servo library

int motor_pin1 = 4;
int motor_pin2 = 5;
int motor_pin3 = 6;
int motor_pin4 = 7;
int servopin = 8;
int sensorpin = 0;
int dist = 0;
int leftdist = 0;
int rightdist = 0;
int object = 500;             //distance at which the robot should look for another route                           

Servo myservo;

void setup ()
void loop()
  dist = analogRead(sensorpin);               //reads the sensor
  if(dist < object) {                         //if distance is less than 550
   forward();                                  //then move forward
  if(dist >= object) {               //if distance is greater than or equal to 550
void forward() {                            // use combination which works for you
void findroute() {
  halt();                                             // stop
  backward();                                       //go backwards
  lookleft();                                      //go to subroutine lookleft
  lookright();                                   //go to subroutine lookright
  if ( leftdist < rightdist )
   turnright ();

void backward() {

void halt () {
  delay(500);                          //wait after stopping
void lookleft() {
  delay(700);                                //wait for the servo to get there
  leftdist = analogRead(sensorpin);
  delay(700);                                 //wait for the servo to get there

void lookright () {
  delay(700);                           //wait for the servo to get there
  rightdist = analogRead(sensorpin);
  delay(700);                        //wait for the servo to get there

void turnleft () {
  digitalWrite(motor_pin1,HIGH);       //use the combination which works for you
  digitalWrite(motor_pin2,LOW);      //right motor rotates forward and left motor backward
  delay(1000);                     // wait for the robot to make the turn

void turnright () {
  digitalWrite(motor_pin1,LOW);       //use the combination which works for you
  digitalWrite(motor_pin2,HIGH);    //left motor rotates forward and right motor backward
  delay(1000);                              // wait for the robot to make the turn

The team’s name is ardunio801 which consists from Abdel R Shawish, Kylee Maclnnis, and Jake Reed.
Some possible ideas (soildworks} :
-          A desktop fan.
-          A boat
-          A go-kart
-          A car

     For ardunio:

We decided to use all required parts such as servo motor, a DC motor, LED, LCD, push buttons, Potentiomete.